10 DOPE Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for your Awesome Mom.


People from all over the world read this blog, but I know a select few actually know my mom personally and everyone seems to have the same idea of her… SHE’S AMAZING!!! She has this spirit that just catches immediately when you are in her presence.  It is the spirit of “YOU… I like you. And I want to be your friend.”  She could turn the DMV guy (you know how much we hate them) into an instant friend in 2 seconds flat.


Have you ever met someone like this? Maybe your mom is dope as hell in this way too.  Well, if you have a mom that is as amazing as mine, than you know that you can’t just give her some whack gift from the Target Easter clearance section.  She deserves the world and all the universes combined!


So I have solved the problem! Check out these 10 Mother’s Day gifts and experiences that are all super unique and your mom will LOVE them.  Please note, this blog is based in Portland and some of the experiences are exclusive to this city. However, check and see if there is something similar in a city near you!

  1.  The Gift of Survival – For the Practical Mom


I absolutely DESPISE a bland gift.  I hate giving them that is.  I just like something that is more unique. Especially for someone who I love and adore.  Save the bland ones for your lame boss. HA!  This gift idea is sort of out-of-the-box.  But get her something that will help her with survival skills.  For example, does she know how to swim?  If not, get her a private swimming lesson.  Does your mom constantly talk about the nukes and how Trump is going to destroy the world?  Gift her with a survival kit full of ALL the necessities to help ease some of her fears.  There are a million different things you could do with a survival gift! Did I get your creative juices flowin? I sure hope so.

2.  The Gift that Gives Back – For the Giving Mom

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Does she cry at the “save the snow leopards” commercials? Me too mom. Me too!  Maybe this year, gift her with an actual donation to WWF and save those damn snow leopards so we don’t have to watch the commercials anymore and cry.  There are TONS of charities that you can donate to.  Choose one that she is passionate about!

3.  MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION BOXES!!! – For the mom that loves surprises


BEST GIFT EVER! There is a plethora of subscription box ideas out there.  Pick one that is unique to your mom’s interests and sign her up for a month or so.  It’s exciting to get something new in the mail each month.  One that is absolutely PERFECT for Mother’s Day is mommymailbox.  It’s less than $30/month and your mom will get fun and uplifting gifties in a box. She will LOVE it.  Kick it up a knotch and print off the voucher for her subscription box by getting a fancy card, with a thoughtful expression of your love for her handwritten inside, and attach some fresh flowers with it.  Keep it cute, keep it grown and sexy, and keep it thoughtful.

4.  HIGH TEA — For the sophisticated mom


If I didn’t know better, I think in a past life I actually was the black queen of England sipping my tea and thoughly enjoying my 3 tiers of delectables.  I am a tea drinking SNOB!! I absolutely LOVE tea and cannot get enough of it.  Nothing makes me happier than being in a high tea situation.  Gift your mom with the experience of high tea.  Just make sure you book EARLY because these sort of afternoon tea experiences book FAST. Especially here in Portland.  The only true English tea experience that I am aware of in Portland is at Hotel Delux. This service is offered year round.  The Heathman offers a high tea also, but only during the holidays.  There may be some other tea options outside of Portland such as in Salem, Vancouver, Eugene… but in Portland the Hotel Deluxe is where it’s at. BOOK ASAP!!!!!

5. Pole Dancing Classes – For the Sexy Mom


She may have not told you she wanted to do this, but now that she has a gift to do it now is her chance!  Give her the opportunity to get into shape in a unique way.   Going to the gym and doing the same routine each time can get OLD.  This is sure to stir things up a bit and maybe even give her a new obsession.  Who cares if your mom wants to be in a pole dancing class!! Let the woman LIVE!!!! Click here for info

6.  Tickets to a Lecture — For the Educated Mom

There are so many gurus out there that people follow.  Help moisturize her mind by this awesome gift idea.  Who is your fave guru that you would like to see?  I’m really curious about Tony Robbins.  The dude is a mad man, but with his infectious energy I might come out 10 pounds lighter, moisturized, $10,000 richer with a billion dollar business partner in hand.  Let’s do this banana hands! (Shallow Hal reference lol) Here are some lectures in the Portland area.

7.  A Photoshoot — For the mom that loves the spotlight


When is the last time your mom had her picture taken professionally?  Give her the gift of professional photos of you & her together.  What mom doesn’t love showing off photos of her family.  This gift is ideal…. INSERT BUSINESS PLUG HERE… so of course as a photographer, I am offering you an incredible deal.  $50 mini sessions at the studio for you and your mom.  Click here to contact me and to see my website!

8.  A Fitting for a GOOD bra — For the mom with big boobs


Sorry sons, but this is a true dilemma that moms with big boobs have! Bras just don’t FIT!!! Set up a fitting so she can get some GOOD underwear and keep her girls looking good.  I am telling you, this gift will be THRILLING to really any woman that wants a good bra.  As a mom with big boobs, this is something that I struggle with.  These things are a blessing and a curse.  The gift of no boobie muffin top would be greatly appreciated. If you are in the Portland area check out Just Like a Woman located on the Westside.

9.  Dining in the Dark — For the Foodie Mom


I’m not one that keeps up with the trends or anything like that, but this trend is one that is actually a great gift idea.  Treat your mom to Dining in the Dark at The Blind Cafe!  It is JUST that. You eat in pitch black DARKNESS.  The idea is that without the sense of sight, your other senses are heightened therefore creating a very unique eating experience.  We are so driven to eat things that LOOK good, but what if that part is removed? The experience in Portland is offered at various times throughout the year and the meals are all vegetarian.  Following the experience there is a discussion on community related issues.  It’s cool to discuss your thoughts with fellow citizens. Plus this is a (501) C 3 Organization so you are giving back to a good cause.   This is oh so very Portland and the foodie in her will LOVE This.

10. Luxury Laundry Detergent- For the clean freak mom


This may sound really weird to give as a gift but hear me out. My mom is obsessed with keeping things neat and tidy. She actually gets true pleasure from keeping her space clean. Is your mom like this?  If so, treat her to some luxurious laundry detergent from The Laundress.  This detergent is small batch and handmade in NYC.  It is non-toxic, biodegradable AND you can use it not only to wash your clothes, but you can use it to clean your entire home! Your mom will absolutely LOVE this product.  Make it into a cute gift basket, with several different products from their line.

If these ideas don’t get you to think outside the box, you always have old faithful…. a beautiful bouquet of flowers.  They always bring a smile to their faces. NEVER FAILS!

Hope this list gets ya goin. Want more Sharplandia? Subscribe today!





WEEKEND REVIEW: Maternity Pix, Family, & Westworld


Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Mine was very busy and filled with fun family time.

When I was pregnant with Adley, for some reason I decided that I didn’t want to do maternity photos.  But I didn’t want to miss out on the chance to take them this time around so my family and I decided to get professional photos done this weekend.

I am so glad that I decided to do these because I felt absolutely BEAUTIFUL and my photographer truly captured me and my personality.  She hasn’t sent me all the final edits yet, but here is a little glimpse into our amazing photo shoot. (More can be found on Instagram as she sends me more)   Shout out to Cris Stroud for hooking me up! For more info about my photographer click here 

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In other news, I am working on a MASSIVE photography project that is really going to change the game in terms of photography in Portland.  I am launching the 1st Annual POP Awards (Professionals of Photography Awards).


This event will showcase the incredible creative talent that we have here in Portland and honor them with various awards in photography.  In addition to giving away awards,  this event will be working in partnership with Zel Haiti, a mom owned non-profit that supports women and children in need in Haiti.  Click the link to learn more about them.

zel haiti

For more information about my event and how to nominate a photographer, please click this link.   I can’t wait for this fun event. Of course, this will be unlike other award galas.  It will be done in the Sarah way.  Over the top and out of the box.  This year’s theme is “Millenial Pink.”   Not only will it make a difference in many lives, but it is pushing me to a level in my career that I did not anticipate.  I’m up for the challenge!!!


Also, I’m super excited because we had some family come into town and they are thinking about moving to PORTLAND!  As someone from Portland, I think it is absolutely CRAZY to move from sunny San Diego.  However, even though Portland is expensive, California is ridiculously overpriced and overcrowded and by moving here they can have a MUCH better quality of life financially, more bang for their buck, and of course be surrounded by US.   If anyone has some tips for moving to Portland and want to share please put them in the comments.  I’m sure they will appreciate it.

Did anyone catch Westworld’s season 2 premiere?  I’m dying to watch it. NO SPOILERS PLEASE!

And if you haven’t gotten on the Westworld bandwagon yet, you need to ASAP.  It is basically like if Jurassic Park were people instead of dinosaurs.  It all sounds good resurrecting dinosaurs and creating a theme park until everything goes wrong.  Same concept here. Literally a twisted theme park of sorts with humanoid robots and the crazy humans who created them in an old western society. It is such an incredible and very thought provoking show.  The show is violent and pretty wild so keep the kids away from the TV when watching this.  Moisturize your mind and get on it!!!! My husband and I are completely OBSESSED.

WHEW!!! Did that all really happen in one weekend? Yes… yes it did.  And I wouldn’t change a single second of it.

New to Sharplandia?  Subscribe and stay up to date on what’s going on in my world.





12 Reasons Why You’re KILLIN IT at Life Even When it Feels Like You’re Not.


Over the years, I have come to realize that in order to be happy in life your biggest cheerleader needs to be…drumroll… YOURSELF!  You may have a million people cheering you on, but all is useless if you don’t believe in yourself first.

As the eternal optimist that I am, I figured that this post would be that boost of positivity that we ALL need in this hell hole of a world that we are living in.

I have gone through my own bouts of self-doubt, sadness, feelings of hopelessness, regret… I’ve felt all of those feelings and they SUCK.  They literally suck the life out of you. But one thing that I have also learned is overcoming those feelings and realizing just how much I am actually killin it at this thing called life! Let me just enlighten you on how you actually ARE killin the game :

  1.  You Often Take the High Road


We have ALL been there.  This can be incredibly hard.  Someone did you wrong in some way, and instead of creating a bigger mess and calling the girl a “ratchet hoe” and snatching her barbie wig off, you simply smile and move on.


This is a level 1 high road achievement. Now, if you are REALLY killing it, you take it as far as befriending this ratchetness which will then upgrade you to a level 2 of high road achievement. That is a whole level of killin it that I have yet to reach.   But I’m getting there.

2.  You Realize that ALL CREDIT SCORES ACTUALLY DO MATTER— But Not in the Same Way


As adults, we now have to worry about things like credit scores.  At 18 years old, I could care less about a credit score or what it would do to me.  So you have taken the responsible route and decided to pay attention to that 3 digit number (is it possible to have less than 3 digits? YIKES) .  Good for you.  Plus, I heard that we will each be getting a 30 point boost soon.  WINNING!!!!  Does your credit score still suck? Check out these tips on how to boost your score quick, fast, and in a hurry click here.   Don’t be ashamed of a bad score! Just don’t sit around and cry about it. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Pay off your debt (esp. credit card debt), make your payments on time, and don’t live outside of your means just to impress people who are NOT impressed.


It will get better!

3.  Tiny Humans Worship You


If you are a young parent, you understand this.  They may drive you absolutely nuts, but your kids actually worship you. They want to be you, they want to eat what you eat, do what you do, and live how you live.  This is such an empowering feeling.  For me, it makes me want to be an even better person and work hard to be the BEST representation of a parent that I can be.   So far so good! #killinit

4.  You Don’t Play the Blame Game


Who the hell came up with this game? It is a ridiculous game with NO winners and only losers. Rather than blaming your issues on someone else or someTHING else, maybe it is actually just YOU that is the problem.  Taking accountability will set you FREE! You have no direction in life? Maybe it’s because of YOU that your are in this situation? You are in the same shitty job for the past 10 years… well…. no one is stopping you from quitting! Let’s be real about our situations and take a LONG HARD LOOK at ourselves and adjust accordingly.  Get back to Killin it!!!

5.  People Ask YOU for Advice


WTF? You actually want MY opinion for YOUR life? WOW! What an honor to have someone ask you about what step they should take next or how to respond to this certain relationship issue.  You must be a valuable person in their life.  Keep up the good work.

6.  You are NOT a Racist, Bigoted, Piece of SHIT.


I mean, do I even need to explain this one?  Just stop it… and stop hanging around those who are, UNLESS, you are simply hanging around them to be a positive representation of being a better person. Otherwise, move along… We see you, STUPID.

7.  You Are a Unicorn and You Know It


Realizing that you are weird and you’re cool with it is a MASSIVE milestone.  Celebrate being YOU. Hell… I’m my biggest cheerleader.  Not because I’m full of myself (Kanye tendencies). But I am genuinely proud of what I have overcome and grown to be that I BASK in my weirdness and I’m very confident about it. Take it or leave it… but I’m certainly going to TAKE IT!!  I have so many hashtags for you to use next time you post a selfie on IG.  Feel free to steal them #memyselfandi #winning #killinit #toohottotrot #imthebagofchips #fierce #moveoverbeyonce #lovethineself

8.  You Actually Followed Through With a Goal and SUCCEEDED!


I have gone into Target and came out with ONLY a single package of paper plates I needed exactly 3 times in my life and I am proud! I stuck to my guns and didn’t get caught up in the adorable rose gold votive candle holders or those 30% clearance boots.  That is what I call SUCCESS.  How many times have you started a diet and failed?  Like a million times.  But there are those people that have incredible will power and did not fail THIS time around. Is that you?  If so, give yourself several pats on the back because guurrrrl… you is WINNING.

9.  You know things about wine

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I do know that it tastes good and that at tastings you are supposed to “taste not swallow” the wine.  Other than that, I could care less about the oakiness and pepperiness of that Pinot Noir you are drinking.  But kudos if you actually know REAL things about wine.  Do us laypersons a favor and don’t be boujee but let us into some of the tips and tricks for a better wine tasting experience.

10.  You Pay for Everyone at the Table

This may be a touchy subject. But I have noticed this come up in multiple blogs.  So let’s ease into this. When we were younger, you were invited to the birthday party at Johnny’s house and you simply showed up with a gift and were not expected to pay for anything.  You ate pizza, cake and ice cream, played a few games and went home.  But NOW as adults, you are invited to someone else’s birthday party and are expected to pay for yourself to celebrate THEIR birthday and also give them a gift.  Why is this normal?  Be the person who pays for your friend next time you go out to happy hour and then let them take the bill next time.  Host a party where we can just show up and celebrate! We are growing up y’all!

11.  You have decided that experiences are more important than things


YES YES YESSSSS!!!!! Stuff is just STUFF, experiences create long lasting memories that you can cherish FOR-EV-A.  Instead of buying those dope name brand shoes, trade them in and save for an incredible vacation with your boo thang.  Experiences make you crave a stronger connection to the people you value most rather than valuing the objects above them.  Let’s do more of that.

12.  You have learned how to accept help from others


Another thing that people have trouble with is accepting any sort of help.  People don’t like to ask for help.  Whether this is for financial reasons, health reasons, whatever it may be it’s hard to ask for something.   I have realized that there are SO many people looking to find a way to help other people.  Why? Because it feels SO damn good to give back that people thrive in a helping environment.  Why not be on the receiving end of a helping hand for once?  LIFE IS TOUGH. Learn to let others help you when you need it and put your pride to the side.  I have experienced both sides of the coin and both feel really good.  It’s great to know that I have so many people willing and able to help me.  It also feels so great to know that I can pay it forward when the opportunity arises.  Great job folks… told ya you were killin the game.

So you see, you are not sucking at life the way you thought. You are actually leaps and bounds ahead of many of our fellow humans.  Let’s show the aliens that not all life on Earth is unintelligent and we actually have a lot to offer! HA!

But really, take a moment and step outside of life’s ridiculous pressures and reassure yourself that you are doing just fine.  You ARE a great parent, you ARE a great friend, you ARE a fantastic employee, you ARE a great person and people love and appreciate you for being YOU.  YOU’RE KILLIN’ IT.

Like what you see here at Sharplandia?  I know I’m not for everyone, but if I’m for you don’t hesitate to subscribe to this blog and join in on my life journey around the sun.




I Took A “Momcation” and I liked it.


This topic seems self explanatory to me, but I’m not EVERYONE.  I am the type of mom that loves and truly adores her husband and children, but also revels in my alone time.  I have always been this way.

My husband laughs at me when I tell him that when I was in middle school, I would be alone in my room doing all kinds of weird things like being COMPLETELY naked and choreographing my own dance routines to 90s house music.  I’m not sure why I was naked, I was just in my own ZONE.  You know, typical middle school stuff. LOL

Pretty sure this was 8th grade… Yikerz.

Side Note// One day I will post about my weird middle school years. I’m sure it will be entertaining.

When I’m alone, it’s just me, my own thoughts, my own existence, and my own sense of peace.  So, being the thoughtful husband that he is he treated me to a night at this amazing hotel on the SW Portland waterfront COMPLETELY alone.

River’s Edge Hotel & Spa

Being that I have a very active 2 year old and I’m 33 weeks pregnant this was an incredible and unexpected treat for me to just have some uninterrupted ME TIME!

So I checked in and here is what my room looked like.  Very Portland minimalist, natural, and chic with a river view.



I was totally McCullay Culkin on Home Alone 2.  I did what any 10 year old stuck in New York with loads of cash would do… I ordered room service!!


A juicy cheeseburger and fries and vanilla bread pudding… JUST FOR ME!! And it was worth every single solitary calorie.  Room service comes from the attached restaurant at Rosswood.  Seems like a nice little date night spot.  For people who live in Portland, it used to be Aquariva but has a completely different menu and management now.

After stuffing my face full of junk food and taking a LONG HOT SHOWER, I did what any exhausted mom would do…got super cozy in bed and caught up on some terrible chick flicks and fell asleep at 7:30pm.


I got like 12 hours of sleep which was IN-CREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m soaking it all in before a newborn comes into the picture again and I have sleep that is in the negatives. ***Sigh***

The next morning, I woke up and felt revitalized for at least 2 hours before coming back down to reality. LOL But it was worth it and my husband is the king of the universe for giving me the chance to be alone for a while.

If you are a mom, or just someone who feels overworked and exhausted, do yourself a favor and take some time away to be alone! Don’t feel guilty about it! You give everything you have day in and day out and that is a whole lot of work.  Everyone deserves some time to themselves.  Trust me, it’s worth it!


This was my Monday “Weekend Review” post and I hope you enjoyed taking a little look into my world.  Stay tuned for the next Sharplandia post!  I’m really starting to get a hang of this blog thing.






7 Tips for Online Dating from an Online Dating OG


Here is my story:


Flash back to 2009.  I was just graduating from college in Houston, Texas and getting ready to move back home to Portland.  I had been broken up with my boyfriend for like 6 months or so and thought since I’m moving back home,  it might be a good time to meet some new people.  I had been disconnected from my Portland friends for almost 5 years so it seemed to make sense.

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My Alma Mater

At this time, eHarmony was starting to gain some popularity.  One day, my mom said that the daughter of one of her friends tried it and was successful so I thought. Why not?  I didn’t have any internet in my little apartment, so I drove over to my school and hopped online which would be THE biggest life changing moment of my life.

I decided that I wanted to give eHarmony a try.  I paid $60 to use their service and created a profile.  Some of my photos were kinda ,ahem, suggestive… but whatever. You only live ONCE. lol  I posted some of my modeling pictures.  Yeah I know… My husband told me that he thought my pix were fake, but decided to risk it. Good job, Jordan.


The way eHarmony works is it asks some VERY in depth questions.  It took me about an hour just to fill out their opening questionaire.  I did my best to answer COMPLETELY truthfully.  I’m not sure why someone would fake an answer on an online survey like this.  At that point it’s just you against yourself! Why not just be as truthful as possible?

Soon as I know, I’m matched with this racially ambiguous, painfully handsome looking guy.

One of Jordan’s Profile Pix. The one that GOT ME

I thought he was absolutely ADORABLE! I mean check out those killer dimps! Yeah, I was smitten right away.  So I decided to proceed with eHarmony’s process.  I was actually the one to make the first move!  In order to move forward with their process, you send the answers to like 5-6 questions that your potential match has selected for you to answer.  So I answered his questions and sent them back.  Within maybe 48 hours, he RESPONDED!!!!

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I got that RUSH of excitement! You know when you’re so excited your stomach starts hurting and your heart starts racing.  I couldn’t believe that I was so excited over someone I had never met before!

So we did this for a couple weeks until FINALLY  eHarmony allows you to openly communicate with your match via email and you can exchange numbers or whatever.

Fast forward to the day I’m at the airport getting ready to leave Houston for Portland.  HE CALLS ME.  It was as if I had known him my entire life.  He was so sweet but sounded COMPLETELY different than I expected.  Haha! I just paired this “voice” with his that didn’t match at all which was actually really funny. We still laugh about that.

Anyway, we talked for about 30 minutes and planned to meet up once I got back home to Portland.

Now here is where things got a little weird and uncertain for me.   We didn’t actually know each other outside of talking on the phone ONE time, and our email conversations.  So, one day we made plans that we were going to meet up and at the last minute HE CANCELLED ON ME!!!


He said that he had family coming in from out of town and could we reschedule?  At that point, I was REALLY annoyed and skeptical of him.  I thought he was just coming up with an excuse to not go out and was just another LOSER like the rest of them.   So I immediately started to put a wall up.

A few days later, he calls and suggested that we head over to Henry’s (a place his bro suggested) to finally meet up face to face.  I agreed.


I got this CUTE ass dress that showed off ALL my curves. My hair was on point, I smelled DELICIOUS and was totally ready to meet this mystery guy.

Dress I wore to our first date.  This pic was taken in Mexico. The trip was my graduation gift from my parentals.  That’s why I look so glowy and chocolatey. 

I intentionally showed up like 5-10 minutes late just to keep the anticipation up. Which was actually EXTREMELY hard for me because I’m a 5 minutes EARLY type of girl and I  absolutely DESPISE it when people are late without letting me know.  Anyway, the moment finally came and I’m literally talking to myself as I’m walking around the block saying “Sarah, you look bomb.com”  “Don’t be creepy” “Girl, just chill out its going to be fine.”

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As I turn the corner, to my surprise he looked EXACTLY like his photo!!!! I was so relieved.  And then he gave me a HUG! Inside I’m thinking “If he asks you to have a one night stand you tell him YOU… ARE..DOWN! He is worth every second of future emotional distress this will give you!” HAHAHAHA but seriously tho. You know you’ve been there.  I was INSTANTLY into him. ( We did NOT. I REPEAT DID NOT. Have a one night stand)

We had the most incredible date.  Now looking back, it is funny that in that moment I was already talking to my husband and the father of my children.  I had prayed for him for YEARS and there he was right in front of me.

So my question to you is, if you knew that you could risk $60 to stand directly in front of your future spouse and parent to your children, would you pay for it??? MY answer to that question is absolutely YES!!!

I feel really concerned for my friends who are currently single because what I have come to notice is that what was once a reliable dating source has now become tarnished by these online dating apps like Tinder.  I personally think that Tinder and other related apps have given people SO many options, that a lot of people are unwilling to get involved in a long term committed relationship.  So here are my 7 tips for getting back into the online dating world without getting discouraged.

7 Tips for Online Dating from an Online Dating OG

  1.  PAY for a RELIABLE online dating Site


I didn’t use a free app. I didn’t get in on a free weekend.  I paid for one that was tried and true!  Maybe consider stepping up your online dating game and actually PAYING for one.  $60 is not going to break the bank.  It was the best investment I have EVER made.  A great friend of mine used Match.com and 7 years later is married to her hubby and they have a beautiful baby girl.  Here is her raving review of Match.

” I met my husband on match.com. When I first got on there I was so unsure about the whole thing. I was scared of meeting someone who was lying about who they really were.  But I just told myself to be honest with everything I wrote and things I said to any guy that wanted to talk to me.  I also knew that I needed to put myself out there, and I’m so glad I did.  I wanted to go on match.com because my mom met her husband on there and I thought if she could, then why couldn’t I?  I have now been married to my husband for almost 7 years and we have a beautiful daughter.  I am so thankful to match.com because without them I would not have this amazing life that I have.  For anyone thinking about doing it, I would say just make sure you are honest and true to other people but to yourself as well.  Good luck finding your match!”  ~Bethany 

2.  Use a sexy picture but not too sexy

Actual photo used as my profile pic. Who did I think I was? Apparently, Beyonce. lol

In my little 21 years of life, I had not made the greatest decisions.  I used a profile picture that would likely get any man’s attention with the little side boob showing.  But just don’t do that.  I happened to attract a normal guy, but I also got some SUPER creeps too. Just don’t do it!  Choose a photo that represents the best outwardly attractive image of yourself.  Learn from my sad, pathetic mistakes people.

3.  Answer the questionnaire as HONESTLY as you possibly can.


If it asks if you have done drugs before and you HAVE say YES! If you hate Cats, TELL them you hate them.  If you’re an Atheist, be real about it!  Don’t go into it thinking that the person on the other side of the computer is NOT answering truthfully.  Fully believe that they are answering just as honestly as you are and let your destiny work that out for you.



You could be as lucky as I was and be matched with your soul mate the second you log on! Or it may take a date or 2 or 3 to find Mr. or Mrs. Perfect.  Don’t be in any massive rush and don’t be so critical. Go into this with an open mind. Each person is NOT the same as the last so give them a fighting chance to prove to you who they really are!

5.  Remember why you signed up in the first place


If you just want a hook up, a service like eHarmony is not for you. Go to one of those freebie sites.  In fact, you don’t even need a website to get a hook up. Just go on down to your local night club and find you that sloppy hook up and get your needs met.  Now, if you are looking for something more long term like a husband or wife you can’t forget that when you are creating your profile! If the dude says he hasn’t washed his face in 14 years, has no job and never plans on having one maybe he’s not the one. Be real and honest in what you want. Do you want that tingly feeling in your heart again? Do you want a family? Do you want a life partner?

6.  Take a dating BREAK


Maybe you have tried online dating and have been unsuccessful.  Maybe try and focus on yourself and don’t go looking for anything.  Sometimes, the greatest love stories are those of 2 people who weren’t looking for love at all!  Just chill out for a while and refocus your energy and take care of yourself.  You can always come back to it later.

7.  Don’t have sex on the first date


Unless its just a hook up, just don’t do it.  Take time to let the person earn your heart and love.  How many times has it been stepped on, ripped out, and thrown away?   You cry yourself to sleep sometimes because the pain hurts so bad.  And then you try and find just about ANYONE to make that pain go away.  BEEN THERE. It hurts having your heart broken and not EVERYONE deserves the chance to potentially break it.  By opening your heart, you are not only giving this person the chance to love you unconditionally, but you are also giving them the chance to destroy it.   Make sure this person is worth that risk. Do youself a favor and just wait it out.

Our Wedding Day 9/3/11

Jordan and I are now happily married for going on 7 years! We have a beautiful baby girl, Adley and we have a little boy coming in just a few weeks.

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Christmas 2016

We have created this WONDERFUL life together and nothing would make me happier than to see other people have the same joy we have.  Doesn’t have to be done MY way, but I wish joy and love for all nonetheless. This level of happiness all started online.

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Crater Lake, Oregon 

Did you or someone you know find long lasting love on a dating website? If so, which one?  If you are skeptical/critical of dating online, tell me why!!! I wanna know it all.  I hope this post blessed you and if anything was a little entertainment for the day.  Until next time, stay sexy sugarplums!




8 Things My Toddler Taught Me About Success in Business

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Being a parent has been one hell of a ride.  I’ve learned a lot.  And some of the biggest lessons I have learned come from my 2 year old, Adley.  Today’s post is inspired by her crazy toddler antics.  I hope this will help inspire those who are pursing the world of business.

1. Persistency and Consistency is Key


One thing that Adley does REALLY well is she is extremely persistent!  She will ask to watch the same movie 1000 times (Moana anyone?)  until I can’t take it and I just give in.  I don’t give in every time, but odds are definitely in her favor if she persists enough.  In business, this is absolutely KEY.  I have seen the best success when I am extremely persistent and consistent in my goals.   I mean think about it, if you approach 1000 different businesses you may get 999 “NOs” but you only need 1 “YES!” KEEP GOING!!!

2.  Tell the world that you “POOPED”

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I mean not literally.  But Adley really enjoys letting us know that she pooped and this is a great success to her! We should do the same thing.  Tell people about your successes so that they can support you and cheer you on.  Don’t be ashamed of your goals. Even if you have tried 100 different businesses and this is the 101st business idea, stay strong and be confident in YOUR ideas.  Who cares if people give you the side eye. They will likely do it anyway, so just do you with a smile on your face!

3.  Go to “Time Out”

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Adley still doesn’t quite understand “time-out” but she certainly understands when she is in trouble.  There will come a time in your business where you will “eff up” and you may have to go to time-out for a minute.  There was one time when I was just learning about Instagram and I posted someone else’s photo without their permission and they FLIPPED OUT! It was so bad that they threatened to sue me for copyright infringement! It all worked out in the end and I was not sued. But I learned a very important lesson.  Learn from these lessons so you don’t end up in time-out again.

4.  Be Yourself

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One thing that Adley doesn’t really know how to do yet is be fake! I mean she may have crocodile tears sometimes, but her personality is intrinsically HER.  She doesn’t know how to be anyone else. When I finally stopped caring what other people thought of me, things started to work out in my favor.  I started to see some real SUCCESS and you will too. Trust me!

5.  Be Leary of Strangers


Adley is not afraid to give the side eye to strangers.  She will definitely let me know when she is uncomfortable.  So I have learned from her that I need to be the same with my social media marketing efforts. I have noticed that as you becoming more popular on social media you will get approached by some sketchy “businesses.”  One time, I decided to take a chance with this online marketing company to help take my business to the next level. Come to find out that they were just a scammer business and I had to report them to my bank for fraud! So just be careful. Not every paid gig is a good gig.

6.  If Mommy Says No, Ask Daddy.


Don’t be afraid to go to multiple sources to get your needs met! There are millions of resources out there to help you. One is bound to be a great fit.

7.  Show Off Your Dimples

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Let’s face it… being cute can get you pretty far.  Adley’s dynamite smile and dimples can pretty much convince me to do just about anything!  Remember, if you are starting your own business, no matter what it is, YOU are the face of that business.  People may come to you not because your product is the best in the business, but because your personality is the best in the business.   You represent what you are selling.  Make sure you look, dress, and act the part!  Be yourself! People love authenticity.  Do more of that.

8.  Have a “Tantrum”


If you want to draw attention to yourself,  let your toddler have a massive tantrum in the middle of Target!  All eyes will be on YOU.   Do the same with your business. Do something that will disrupt the norm.  People will notice you right away!


Did this list of toddlerisms inspire you to take your business to the next level?  I hope so.  Let me know what your business is in the comments.  Chat soon sugar plums!




5 Cheap Skin Care Products that Give Me Youthful Skin

ZERO Foundation. Just eye makeup, brows, and lips. I gotta have my lips

I’m not one to typically brag about my skin because lets face it, some people are simply genetically blessed with great skin and some aren’t.  I just so happen to be someone who has been blessed with GREAT skin!   Not to say that I never get blemishes or a pimple here and there but I was lucky enough to not struggle with really bad acne or premature wrinkles or anything like that when I was growing up.

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Everyone has a favorite part about their body and mine is my SKIN!!! I LOVE MY SKIN!  Since I love it so much, I try my best to take great care of it.  People always say that I have the most beautiful skin color and tone. Sometimes people assume I wear a lot of foundation and cover up but I rarely wear it.   The haters won’t believe me though. (Bye, Felicia)

Recently, pregnancy has done a doozy on it in not a great way.   Suddenly I have these weird freckles that I have NEVER had before and other random dark marks.  But I’m told this is just caused by hormones and will disappear after the baby is born.  Either way… I expect it to change regardless since I’m getting older every single second.

Me & My Dog Chubbs

Thank you to everyone who has given me this compliment because it really does mean a lot to me that you recognize something special in my outward appearance.  Since I often get this compliment, I also get asked what my beauty routine is.  So I thought I would share some products that help keep my skin young, bouncy, and radiant.

Grandma’s 80th Bday Party. She’s so fly. Love and Miss you Grandma RIP

It goes back to my grandma and I’m sure generations before her too, who didn’t have a single wrinkle until the day she passed (RIP grandma!) .  She was 80 years old in the photo above. She passed at 86 years old.  So what is our secret?  Well for one, we’re black!  It really is true that “black don’t crack.”

My Mom & Grandma. ZERO Make-up


3 generations of beautiful skin

It’s just something in the melanin and oils in darker skin that tend to allow us to have smoother skin than people with lighter complexions.  It is the elasticity that is naturally found in darker skin that allows it to age more gracefully.  One of my close friends uses the phrase “Asians don’t Raisin.”  TRUTH!!!!!  It is also the natural sun blocking agents in our skin that allows it to endure LESS damage than people with lighter skin.  (Still wear sunblock no matter what your skin tone is. Cancer does not discriminate. Don’t be crazy)   Maybe they should look in Africa for the fountain of youth. LOL

The other secret is simply water, sleep, and CHEAP skin products!!! I promise you that I have tried a TON of the expensive brands such as Clinique, Estee Lauder, Bobbi Brown in hopes that they would blow my little drug store product out of the water… but the BEST ones are found right in your local Target.   There is a reason why these products have been around for 1000 years.  It’s because THEY WORK! Don’t let the Kardashians fool you into spending more money than you need to!

My biggest skin issue is that I tend to have drier skin, which could be from not drinking ENOUGH water, so I tend to choose hydrating skin products.   Keep reading and find out some of my favorite go-tos that don’t break the bank and will leave you with a dewy, just out of the shower look.

  1. L’ Oreal Hydra Renewal 

Price: $6.42


This product costs less than a value meal at McDonald’s and is absolutely incredible!  I actually feel a little ripped off because I bought mine at Ulta for $7.99 but Wal-Mart has it for under $7!!  It really does what it says it will do and that is… HYDRATE!  My skin feels moist and soft all day and night.

My Routine //  Morning & Night put on after showering and apply BEFORE putting on any makeup.

2.  Ponds Hydrating Skin Cream 

Price: $4.99-7.99


This was my FIRST cheap hydrating cream that I bought that surpassed any of the fancy pants ones.  I wore this one for YEARS!!! Literally up until about 6 months ago.  It is INCREDIBLY hydrating but does not feel greasy. It just feels like you just had a hydrating face mask that lasts all day long.  Why did I change it up? Because I just felt like a change.  The product is great and I will likely go back to using it again in the future.

My Routine // Make sure to use a cleanser first and then apply.  Just helps keep that hydrated  and fresh feeling longer.

3.   Mario Badescu Rose Water Spray 

Price: $7.00


Literally use this each and every day for an extra boost.  It smells like magic in a bottle and costs a measly $7.  You probably only need like 2 sprays, but I spray it like 10 times.  5 times on my face and like 5 times all around my body because it smells so fresh and delicious.

My Routine //  Cleanse your face.  Apply moisturizer.  Apply make-up.  Use rose water spray as a finishing spray.  DONE!

4.  NYX Honey Dew Me Up

Price: $16.99


This is not really a skin CARE product I use. But more of a skin enhancing product. And it’s one of the more expensive products but will last a LONG time.   It is a skin primer that should be used prior to makeup application.  It definitely gives your skin an extra little glow.  You can notice a difference in the tone of your skin.  It just shines a little more.  Great for the spring and summer time to add to your summer sparkle.  I purchased mine at Ulta.

My Routine // Apply before applying foundation. OR simply cleanse and moisturize your face and apply a little of this for a quick fresh out of the shower look.  Great for when you need to leave the house FAST.

5.  Kiss Professional Face Masks

Price: $3.00 each


I got a sample of one of these in a subscription box and ever since I’ve tried it I’ve been HOOKED! You guys gotta try it.  Since I’m a fan of hydration and that fresh feeling, I really enjoy the cucumber one, but they have 8 different kinds.  Everything from Charcoal to Aloe.  All of which I’m sure are amazing! But for the sake of this post, I recommend the cucumber one! FAB.U.LOUS!

My Routine // I apply a face mask whenever I get a chance to relax without a baby constantly touching me.  What’s the use in using one if you can’t fully embrace the relaxation?  Remember, rest is a HUGE part of my beauty routine.


Do yourself a favor and try one of these cheap options and let me know how it treats you! Have anything you think I should try? Let me know! I love chatting about beauty products.  Thank you for reading and see you back here soon!



8 Deliciously Fun Rosé Inspired Gift Ideas for your Bestie

Hey girl, HEEEEY! Nothing screams Spring more than an icey cold glass of pink Rosé.  Share your obsession of this pink delight with your friends and become the friend some wish they always had.  Sip sip HOORAY!

Did you know that my photography company Sharp Pix offers sexy boudoir parties?  What is a boudoir party?  It is a fun event where you gather your closest girlfriends, drink wine, take sexy ass pictures, and have a grand ole time. Sound like fun? Of course it does!!!!  Check out these Rosé ideas below and learn more!


  1. Rosé Gummies


What once had a massive wait list of 18K, has now made these sweet mosels of rosé goodness available to everyone! You can choose from small, large, bulk, or tester size.  So depending on how much your bff love’s rosé, you have a few options! Go BIG or you know the rest. Found at Sugarfina.

2. Rosé ALL DAY Boudoir Party

flat lay 2

Sharp Pix is my photography company and I offer all inclusive, sexy, and fun as hell Rosé ALL DAY themed boudoir parties.  What does this mean? Get your bridal party together and come out for a day of sexy photos, rosé wine on tap, treats and crazy bachelorette fun.  You can go as luxurious as you would like! We have all the options available to make your party POP. Make this a night the bride will never forget… or maybe she will forget like I did. Which only means the party was totally LIT.

3. Rosé Beach Towel


Spring/Summer is just around the corner so your rose loving friend will definitely use this one! Check out Yes Way Rose for all kinds of rosé gift ideas.

4. Rosé Shoes


I HATE having to put on shoes to go outside to grab the mail or whatever. So these simple slip ons are the perfect solution and testament to your love for rose!  They are found on Amazon. SLAAAAY!

5. Rosé Floor Mat


Let all your guests know how much you love the pink libation each and every time they come over to visit.  You can find this at the adorable Etsy Store Be There in Five

6. Rosé Wine Tote


What better gift to give a Rosé lover than a wine tote! Kick it up a knotch and put a couple bottles in there for them to enjoy. Do a sparkling and a regular to keep it sexy. Found on Etsy from The Pepper Mill Shop 

7. Cake Donuts

Love to bake? Make your BFF some homemade Rosé Cake Donuts from scratch! This simple recipe is sure to wow anyone. Make sure to save one for yourself.  Recipe  & photo from SIVAN AYLA


What You Need // Yields 12 donuts

  • 2 cups cake flour, sifted
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 tspns baking powder
  • 1/4 tspn ground nutmeg
  • 1 tspn salt
  • 3/4 cup buttermilk
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 2 tblspn butter, melted
  • 2 tblspns rosé

What To Do:

  1. Preheat oven to 425º
  2. Spray a donut pan with vegetable cooking spray.
  3. In a large bowl, sift together flour, sugar, baking powder, nutmeg, and salt. Add buttermilk, eggs, rosé, and butter. Beat until just combined. Fill each pan cavity approximately 2/3 full.
  4. Bake 7-9 minutes, or until the tops of the donuts spring back when touched.
  5. Let cool in pan for 4-5 minutes before removing.

8.  Rosé Body Polish


Nothing makes me feel better than a nice long and luxurious bubble bath. Kick your cleansing game up with this awesome body polish! You will smell delicious. Found at Anthropologie.


There you have it! Some awesome and unique Rosé gift ideas for your bffs.  But as I always say, do yourself a favor and TREAT ‘YO SELF! You deserve it.

